Superglue Activator accelerates the cure time of cyanoacrylate superglue and prevents glues being absorbed by porous surfaces

Superglue Activator

It is used in repair and restoration, assembly, kit building and model making applications. Accelerating the cure time of superglue is useful in applications where significant volumes of glue are being applied, such as gap filling or bonding wide joints.

When used with Sylmasta CAE1500 High Viscosity Superglue for example, Activator reduces the cure time on steel and other ferrous metals from between 25 and 45 seconds to almost instant adhesion.

This removes the need for parts to be held together manually whilst bonding takes place. Activator has a similar impact to the cure time of PVC.

It can also be used to prevent porous materials from absorbing superglue. Coating wood, card, fabrics and other porous surfaces with Activator before application of a cyanoacrylate adhesive ensures that the glue sets instantly, denying it the chance to seep in.

Activator is available in either a 50ml bottle of 200ml aerosol. The bottle contains a spray and brush, enabling more accurate application to small parts. The aerosol allows Activator to be quickly applied to large areas and surfaces.

Superglue Activator Details

When used as an accelerator, Activator is applied after the use of the cyanoacrylate superglue. It is coated with a brush or sprayed over the glue. The parts requiring bonding are then instantly pushed together to achieve a rapid cure.

For protecting porous surfaces, Activator is applied before cyanoacrylate superglue. The glue will set within seconds of coming into contact with the Activator.

Sylmasta Superglue Activator works with all three grades of Sylmasta Cyanoacrylate Superglues. CAE120 Multipurpose Superglue is a medium viscosity glue for instant bonding of plastics, rubber, metal, porcelain, jewellery and ceramics.

CAE1500 High Viscosity bonds rapidly to wood, card, fabric and other absorbent materials. It has a slightly longer bonding to cure time when used on non-absorbent parts, enabling more control over the process. CAE1500 is a popular model making glue because of its cure time.

CAE3 Penetrating is a low viscosity glue as thin as water for penetrating porous surfaces and wicking into joints, cracks and closely fitted parts.

Benefits of Superglue Activator

  • Speeds up cure time of cyanoacrylate superglue
  • Supplied in an easy-to-use aerosol or in a smaller bottle with a brush


  • Curing superglue in large volume applications like gap filling and bonding of wide joints
  • Acclerating cure times on slower and difficult-to-bond substrates
  • Preventing porous materials from absorbing superglue

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Superglue Activator


Related Cyanoacrylate Superglue Products

CA3 Penetrating Cyanoacrylate Superglue

Low viscosity, surface insensitive cyanoacrylate superglue as thin as water which penetrates porous surfaces and flows easily into small, hard-to-access areas. Just one drop will wick into joints between parts, permanently bonding them together.

Cure Time: 3–40 seconds, dependent on substrate
Viscosity: 2-6cps
Colour When Set: Clear

CAE120 Multipurpose Cyanoacrylate Superglue

Medium viscosity cyanoacrylate superglue for general use. It forms instant bonds when sticking plastics, metal, porcelain, fine china, ceramics, jewellery and other materials, with a cure time of 3 seconds or less on non-absorbent surfaces.

Cure Time: 2–40 seconds, dependent on substrate
Viscosity: 120cps
Colour When Set: Clear

CAE1500 High Viscosity Cyanoacrylate Superglue

High viscosity cyanoacrylate superglue used to fill gaps and in applications where additional bonding time is desired. Cure time on steel is 25 to 40 seconds, offering a small window to adjust parts before bonding takes place.

Cure Time: 1–40 seconds, dependent on substrate
Viscosity: 1250-1850cps
Colour When Set: Clear